DONATIONS (financial gifts)

Your tax-deductible financial gift has the capacity to make a big difference in the lives of children, parents, teachers, pastors and others in the Senegalese communities our Travel Team will visit.

Soccer balls ($25 each)
One Travel Team member, Kristin Serniotti, is an avid soccer player and will be giving soccer balls to village children and students in various Senegalese schools. Kids will be kids, and without soccer balls, they improvise . . . using cans or rocks or knotted-up rags to kick and toss. Kristin will give away as many balls as she has funds to buy.

Travel expenses
This trip costs each Travel Team member close to $3,000. Your gift will help ease this personal expense.

Supplies and gifts
Your financial gift can also help with supplies and other essential needs for the Bethesda School in Kaffrine, Senegal, close to our sister village of Diagle (Jog-a-lay). Bethesda is a private Christian school that provides elementary-level grades and Bible education.

Sponsor a child
In partnership with GO on the Mission (, Mountain View can help you sponsor a child attending a Christian school in Senegal. Your gift helps pay for the student's tuition, uniform, supplies and nutritious food. The long-term goal is to break the cycle of poverty in the child's life.

As a sponsor you make a monthly donation ($35), pray for the child and exchange letters and photos. When a Travel Team goes to Senegal, you also have the chance to send along a "gift bag" (crayons, small toys and other items) to your sponsored child. Sponsorship opportunities open up periodically. To learn more, contact Mountain View's church office at 360-659-7777 or email

To make a tax-deductible donation:

click, then select the SENEGAL CONNECTION account

Make check payable to:
Mountain View Presbyterian Church
5115 100th Street NE
Marysville, WA 98270
Indicate on check "SENEGAL CONNECTION."

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