Tuesday, December 30, 2014


From John

John Mason, Pastor at Mountain View

We are settling in here in Kaffrine. Our Team is now complete as we have been reunited with A.F. (initials used), our Wolof missionary to Diagle and Sorokogne villages. Last night in Kaffrine, we all had dinner at the home of Katie and Corey Garrett (SIM mission workers serving in Senegal since 2000). We celebrated Corey and Emma's birthdays (Emma is their eldest daughter). It was a good opportunity to share gifts and have a little down time together before we get busy with the tasks of ministry. 

We also had the first of what will likely be several discussions concerning the best ways to utilize our time and energies. We are wanting to be sensitive to the work that A.F. has already been doing, but also we desire to reconnect with our friends in the villages. Please join us in praying that our plans and strategies will be led by God.

This morning we head to Diagle to greet the chief and our other friends. We also will be asking them for permission to have, in the next few days, what's called a "tea debate". This is an opportunity to gather a group of adults, drink tea together and discuss a topic, which likely will be based on one the of Parables of Jesus. While the adults are doing this, the children of the village will be engaged in ministry with Awa N., the children's evangelism worker from the Evangelical Baptist Church of Thies (EEBT).

And so the ministry begins. Yahoo!


Dad and daughter birthdays at the Garrett's in Kaffrine

Sights on the road to Diagle

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